[Trlog] TR Logged SSB QSOs as CW

Tree tree at kkn.net
Mon Jan 19 00:48:47 EST 2004

> Interesting that we were both using Kenwood rigs (mine an 870S).  I'm 
> wondering if this is something unique to a TR/Kenwood config?  I have since 
> tried a suggestion to increase the timeout but that hasn't helped...the TR 
> screen flips back and forth from SSB to CW even though I'm in the SSB mode 
> and band, but does lock on SSB when the dial isn't moving.  Yet, somehow 
> those CW entries end up after pushing the button.
> I'm now wondering if it might be something in the NAQP Contest Template 
> itself? Maybe Tree can shed some more light on this.

No - nothing specific to the NAQP.

This sounds like another reason why I am pulling my hair out redoing the whole
radio interface section of the code.   You might try 6.84 or something earlier
until I have it resolved.


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