[Trlog] RE: IARUHQ.DOM file

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Thu Jul 8 01:17:21 EDT 2004

George, K5TR wroe:

 > It appears that the IARUHQ.DOM file has been missing from
 > the last five releases or so.

Coincidentally, I just tried to setup an IARU file for tomorrow night's 
NCCC 1/2 hour practice session and for the few hours I'll operate this 
weekend.  Yup... no IARUHQ.DOM file.

 > This is a simple text file - you can edit it to add new HQ
 > exchange names or even create a new file with your text
 > editor.
 > The format is:

For us TR n00bs or recent n00bs, apparently this is not a turnkey file like 
for other contests?  What would be an example of an "HQ exchange name" I 
would potentially add?  Must I add my Zone via this .dom file or within TR?

Regarding the format of:  ARRL = ARRL ... where do I stick this???



Rick, K6VVA

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