[Trlog] Editing Woes

LRod at pobox.com LRod at pobox.com
Sat Jul 10 22:54:00 EDT 2004

> Perhaps due to only a few hours of sleep before I got back up at 5AM local 
> to play IARU a bit, since my rig control no longer works, I forgot to 
> manually switch bands to 40m.
> So, about 75 QSOs from the 1st hour are on the wrong band ;-(
> I tried editing the .tmp & .log files via Notepad & saving, but it doesn't 
> appear to change anything & my Dupe-Control is whacked now on 20m.
> Is there another way to solve the problem *without* existing TR...to make 
> the band changes so I won't get a lot of "QSO B4 OMs" ???

I have found that even though NotePad will edit medium large files, it won't do 
a search-and-replace (if that's what you did) for as large a file; it'll quit after a 
couple of hundred lines or so. And it gives no indication that it failed to 
complete the operation.

One recommendation I would make is to do a search for NotePad+ (free 
download) which is much more robust and flexible than NotePad. I have also 
found EditPad the same way (and also available in a free version) and it, to is 
much more robust and flexible than the original NotePad. I now use it for all of 
my HTML editing for my website.

73, Rod K4QG


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