[Trlog] TRMaster - Check Section

RGrace-WA6OWM rgrace1 at adelphia.net
Tue Jun 22 17:12:00 EDT 2004

TR Log Version 6.79

Contest Field Day

I have created a new TRMASTER file based on the last two years of Field Day.
I have entered the command "INITIAL EXCHANGE = CHECK SECTION" into the
LOGCFG.DAT file. When a call that matches prevous years is entered in to the
'CALLSIGN' field, the old 'CHECKSECTION' appears in the 'EXCHANGE' window,
without a space between Check and Section. <ENTER> will not save the
exchange. If a new call is entered and CHECKSECTION without a space, the
exchange will not be saved.
Example:   WA6OWM <Enter> 1D LAX<Enter>  Works OK
           W6ABC <Enter> 1DLAX is entered without a space, <ENTER> or
<CTRL-ENTER> fail.
The W6ABC can be from the TRMASTER or entered manually.

Is there an additional step, procedure or command line that I'm missing or

wa6owm at arrl.net

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