[Trlog] Separate serial numbers

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Wed May 19 05:43:40 EDT 2004

There is still no way to avoid duplicate numbers in MS environment when two
stations operate on the same band with separate antennas (e.g one CQ and
another S&P). We usually position these two operators next to each other and
they try not to log QSO before the previous one does the round trip across
the network. It slows down the operation and puts extra burden on ops but I
think nobody solved that yet including logging programs that utilise high
speed Ethernet network.

73, Igor

> On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 08:50:44PM -0700, Paul Beringer wrote:
> > Hello all TRloggers,
> > I'm setting up a multiple computer network for WPX CW and wanted to know
> > to make the computers log separate serial numbers. This is a multi one
> --
> George Fremin III - K5TR
> geoiii at kkn.net
> http://www.kkn.net/~k5tr
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