[Trlog] Computers at an Expedition

Paul Erickson va7nt at telus.net
Sat Nov 13 11:45:06 EST 2004

George Fremin III wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 11:29:17AM -0800, Paul Erickson wrote:
>>Computers at an expedition
>>Having recently been responsible for the computer network of a 
>>dxpedition,(my first) I thought I would try to pass along a few things I 
>>learned in the process in an effort to help anyone else who might find 
>>themselves in a similar position/situation.
> Having done this for a dxpedition as well - I think your 
> comments are quite good. 
> I found that unlike a contest the dxpedition really has little 
> need for the networking of computers. Adding a network increases
> the level of complexity that I was not willing to deal with.  
> Each computer just kept a running log for whatever was 
> worked on it and each day I wnet around and did a savelog
> to floppy and merged these all together on my computer thus 
> updating the 'master' log.

Hi George,

While you make a good point. I this case I was glad the network was 
there for redundancy purposes, because in addition to everything else I 
had to deal with, I also had a hard disk failure. I was fortunate enough 
to catch it quickly enough to get the data off it shortly before it died 
completely, but If the failure had happened while I was asleep, and if 
it hadn't been connected to another computer, a great deal of data would 
have been lost. While prior to the failure, I had broken the network of 
4 into two networks of two, I'm really glad I wasn't dealing with 

cheers, Paul - VA7NT - email: va7nt at telus.net

"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad."

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