[Trlog] Multi port PCI serial cards with setcomm.exe

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Tue Nov 30 05:09:30 EST 2004

Some time ago NG7M posted a description of a little utility he had 
written (setcomm.exe) to make all 8 ports of a byte runner PCI serial 
card available to TR running under Win 98.

It was available as setcomm.zip at 
ftp://nc7j.qrq.com/trlog/setcomm.zip   Unfortunately, that link doesn't 
work anymore.  I e-mailed Max a couple of weeks ago about it but, so 
far, no reply.

Does anyone have a copy of setcomm.zip or setcomm.exe?  If so, I'd sure 
appreciate it if you would send me a copy as it looks like it plus a 
Byterunner card are the answer to my dilemma of not enough serial ports 
and no more IRQs available for more serial cards.

73 de Jim Smith   VE7FO

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