[Trlog] Re: Trlog Digest, Vol 21, Issue 11

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Fri Oct 1 03:11:17 EDT 2004

W9WI noted in his 6.82 test results:

>For what it's worth, both the MP and 940 treat any mode besides CW as
>"SSB".  I had a bit of grief with that over the weekend, working the WW
>RTTY: if rig control was enabled, TR would switch modes - both in the
>program **and on the rig**.  Had to remove the rig control lines from

I am sure I have logged RTTY contacts on the wrong band for the very same
reason - TR & an interfaced MP are not on for that mode.

I have yet to resurrect my dead 847 or 765, but it's been nice not having to
worry about this with either the K2 or 950.  The 706 gets the mode right, too.

73, VR2BrettGraham

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