[Trlog] usb to rs232 multiport adapters

john, ke5c ke5c at hot.rr.com
Fri Dec 9 09:40:46 EST 2005

has anyone successfully run tr-log on a laptop using one of the newer
usb to rs232 adapters such as:


these devices often state they are win 98 compatible.  i am planning a
new notebook, and most no longer come with any serial port.  moreover,
i need at least two and probably three, so i am thinking a solution
would be a dual boot win98/xp system and a usb to rs232 multiport
adapter - if those devices will work with tr-log.  if i run tr-log in
a dos window under win98, it would seem possible the win98 device
drivers would make the multiport rs-232 ports available to tr-log, but
i just wonder if anyone has tried this?

73, john

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