[Trlog] IARUHQ.DOM file problem

Steve London n2ic at arrl.net
Sun Jul 10 22:38:40 EDT 2005

I had the same problem with George's IARUHQ.DOM file in 6.69 until I made sure 
they were in alphabetical order. The first line in the file is not in the 
correct spot. Putting it in the correct spot fixed the problem.

> I did get the "Too many multipliers enabled!!" message when I tried to do 
> the mult check with POST.  But that's almost a meaningless exercise in 
> today's Cabrillo world anyway, so I just didn't worry with it.

Run the TR READ command to rerun the contest to get a clear picture of your 
claimed score.  Be sure to save a copy of your original LOG.DAT file just in 
case of an unforseen problem with TR READ.

Steve, N2IC

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