[Trlog] POST routines

alan.kaul@att.net alan.kaul at att.net
Tue Jul 12 18:05:49 EDT 2005

Browsing the TR LOG Wishlist on the website, I found the following in response to a request for  logging the exact frequency......

The QSO number field is used to show the frequency without the megahertz part. A decimal point is used to make it clear that it isn't a QSO number. Routines will be added to POST to reformat the frequency into different formats for your final log. This technique made implementation much easier as the rest of the log format doesn't change.

Are the "routines will be added to POST to reformat the frequency" still pending or have they been shelved?

With LOTW, etc., I would like to be able to log the actual frequency when uploading the contest log to my computer.

I suspect that putting the three significant figures (the khz info) from the LOG.DAT file into the Cabrillo log would be fairly easy... but since I am not a software writer myself, I don't really know.

Alan Kaul W6RCL LaCanada, CA 91011 
e-mail: w6rcl at amsat.org 

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