[Trlog] Partial loss of frequency data

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Thu Mar 17 18:32:53 EST 2005

N6TR lamented:

>The problem here is that the Kenwood radios can't chew gum (report
>their frequency over the serial port) and walk (QSY up/down the band
>with the VFO knob) at the same time.
>As you increase the timeout time - the frequency display will not be
>updated during that time (staying on the old frequency).  When you stop
>tuning, all of the requested data rush's across the serial port and it
>catches up.  In some versions - if you time out (tune longer than the
>timeout time), the display will blank out.
>This is a good example of the various issues that have made radio
>interfacing so frustrating that I haven't been able to release a new
>version for almost a year now.  I have my rewrite of the radio interface
>all done (have had for months) - but these little details that have to be
>worked around end up driving me nuts.


Grrrrr.  It's been so long since I used this 950, I seem to have
forgotten it will have behaved this way all along - as well as
others having to put up with, though maybe it's more pronounced
on one model than others.  Or maybe it's not so noticeable if
one has something like a pair of 850s & they both do it?  Or is
the 950 (not 950SDX) worse?  After having just had a chance to
use an MP again, I find the 950 to be really annoying.

For these radios, should frequency be seen to be changing on
polling, maybe skip a poll here & there, then resume hitting it
with every poll when the received frequency stops changing?
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if so many polls didn't get queued up
in the rig.  Compared to no updates, slightly delayed update of
displayed frequency with quicker recovery when tuning stops
seems preferable.  No doubt it wouldn't be as simple as that.  ;^(

73, VR2BrettGraham

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