[Trlog] TR-Log & CQ-M Contest

Dmitri Bagno (RW3FO) db at mai.ru
Fri May 13 17:47:02 EDT 2005


The CQ-M Contest is held on this weekend starting 12z on
Saturday. Because the rules were changed in 2004, please don't
forget to add the following line in your .cfg file:

QSO by mode = TRUE

i.e. each station can be worked once per mode on each band.
(Before 2004 was once per band only; so without this line
TR-Log may show a non-existent dupes if you are in a
mixed-mode entry).

Also CQ-M use DXCC countries + some addition territories as
multipliers. So in the CQ-M Contest it's reasonable to use
dedicated cty.dat file.

The rules are at

Configuration file (slightly complicated) and CQ-M-dedicated
cty.dat file can be downloaded from here:

Also from
both the configuration file (obsolete, "QSO by mode = TRUE" line
is to be added) and CQ-M-dedicated cty.dat file can be downloaded.


--Dmitri (RW3FO)
db at mai.ru

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