[Trlog] Post CW SS thoughts

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Mon Nov 7 11:13:11 EST 2005

I used TR-Log in the 2005 CW SS on a newer computer 
(Intel D865PERL motherboard and 2.8Ghz P4) thanks to 
the dual-boot tips from KD4D. It was great to be able 
to use TR-Log SS without having to re-wire all of the 
radio and keying interafces and resuscitate an old DOS 
computer that is on its last legs.

I wound up using 6.78 because as K6LL pointed out, the 
band map does not work per-radio-band in the final version 
6.79.  Unfortunately the NONCW problem re-appears in 6.78,
and I had that occur maybe a half-dozen times during the 
contest.  Most of the time I caught it,but had to guess 
as which band the QSO was to be logged on.  I see two QSOs 
in the log now that I will have to make a guess on which 
band before submitting the log. I hope I won't get dinged 
if a QSO is logged on the wrong band.

It feels sad that we have to choose between two broken 
versions to use, even for our beloved CW Sweepstakes. 
I suppose I should have taken N2IC's suggestion to use 
6.69, but I couldn't find it on my systems here, so I 
wound up using 6.78.  The NONCW problem didn't appear
until about 100 contacts were in the log.

November 22 2003 was a fateful day in the life of 
TR-Log fans.  It was the best CW contest logging
program around, and for a while, the support was
unbelievable.  I have tried other loggers, and while
they are all interesting to one degree or another,
TR-Log is my tool of choice for serious contesting.
It will continue to be so, even if I have to choose
which features I can live without.

I can't fault Tree.  Not everyone can work for free,
or is interested in doing so, even for something they
are very passionate about. I gladly pay programmers
for their valuable time and skills. I was (am?) a life 
subscriber of TR-Log, and it was without a doubt the 
best deal going in contesting.  I would be willing
to ante up again for another 10 years if there was
some way to resuscitate TR-Log development.  And
most everyone knows what a cheap bastard I am... 

Anyway, the dual-boot deal really got my interest ramped
back up for TR-Log.  It's the ultimate CW contest tool.
Congratulations to Tree on what is possibly another 
CW SS win.  And thank you for not operating QRP OM. :-)


-Kirk  K4RO

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