[Trlog] Quick help

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Mon Nov 21 14:05:57 EST 2005

On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 11:43:34AM -0700, Tod wrote:

> I wanted to put a second contact in the log for a couple of people during SS
> yesterday, It would have been faster to put the dupe in and let the POST
> program dump it after the contest.  I tried one way which only caused me a
> lot of problems (also caused K9NS problems because I kept trying to work him
> a second, third and fourth time). 
> I think I can put a QSO in the log with a flawed call and then immediately
> edit it after it has been recorded to be the correct (but duplicate) call.
> Is this the fastest way to do things? The problem I see with this method is
> that the "flawed" call I enter will be in the dupe table. Maybe I should put
> in my call and then correct it before I work the next station since I am
> unlikely to work myself [although at one point I was looking for ID and
> wished that I could work me].   Anyone have Ideas?

Two ways to log a dupe if you have the AUTO DUPE turned on.

Enter the callsign and then hit 
the down arrow on the keyboard to move 
to the exchange field. Then log the exchange info
and hit the enter key.  This will work for all contests.


In SS or if you have the callsign update enable turned
on so you can enter the callsign on the exchange line
you can enter any two letters in the call field 
and then hit enter and enter the callsign and exchange 
in the exchange field and hit the enter key to log the QSO.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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