[Trlog] Quick help

David Hachadorian k6ll at adelphia.net
Mon Nov 21 15:15:02 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tod" <tod at k0to.us>
To: <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 6:43 PM
Subject: [Trlog] Quick help

I know that I can do a search and find this, but maybe someone will 
pity on a lazy (and tired) guy and give me the answer or at least send 
me in
the right direction.

I wanted to put a second contact in the log for a couple of people 
during SS
yesterday, It would have been faster to put the dupe in and let the 
program dump it after the contest.  I tried one way which only caused 
me a
lot of problems (also caused K9NS problems because I kept trying to 
work him
a second, third and fourth time).

I think I can put a QSO in the log with a flawed call and then 
edit it after it has been recorded to be the correct (but duplicate) 
Is this the fastest way to do things? The problem I see with this 
method is
that the "flawed" call I enter will be in the dupe table. Maybe I 
should put
in my call and then correct it before I work the next station since I 
unlikely to work myself [although at one point I was looking for ID 
wished that I could work me].   Anyone have Ideas?

I hit the TAB key twice. That puts you into S&P mode, which is 
tolerant of dupes. It also puts the cursor on the second line of the 
data entry window, which serves as a reminder to use the F-keys, 
paddle or mic to complete the contact, since the ENTER key automatic 
messages will be messed up for that qso.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ


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