[Trlog] How I made a USB bootable stick

Tree tree at kkn.net
Sun Oct 30 13:39:32 EST 2005

This wasn't as straightforward as I hoped it would be.  The first two 
methods I tried (the HP approch and the KD4D method) didn't seem to give
me something that would work 100 percent.

I ended up using this process:


but only up to a point.  After I had copied the boot sector to the USB
stick, I didn't have the IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS or COMMAND.COM files on
the thumbdrive.  I knew that the IO.SYS had to be the first file on the
drive, or things wouldn't work right.  So I copied IO.SYS, then MSDOS.SYS
and then COMMAND.COM (in that order - one at a time) to the USB stick
from my DOS boot disk and then things seemed to be working okay.

Perhaps we should start distributing TR Log on USB bootable sticks?  


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