[Trlog] TR (DOS contest programs) wil outlive Windoze

William Liporace - NA2NA will-na2na at nycap.rr.com
Mon Aug 7 11:39:39 EDT 2006

Go to Linux.org for all sorts of flavors!!  I am a SuSE Linux fan. There are 
lots out there to play with. It is nice to have some thing that works.... 
Maybe we can get Tree to port to Linux.....

I do have a friend working on a neat Linux contest logging software. There 
are also lots of others out there. Maybe I will get my shack PC to be 100% 

Will NA2NA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ke5c" <ke5c at hot.rr.com>
To: "TARC Reflector" <Temple_ARC at yahoogroups.com>; "CTDXCC Reflector" 
<ctdxcc at kkn.net>; <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:21 PM
Subject: [Trlog] TR (DOS contest programs) wil outlive Windoze

> This is not news to Linux-aholics, but I've rediscovered how easy it is to
> breathe new life into old computers with Linux.  KD4D accidently got me
> started with his DOS/Windoze dual boot posts for TR.  He uses Linux
> utilities to do achieve that, and I only thought that was interesting at 
> the
> time, but it laid the foundation for this.  A friend recently gave me his
> old Dell Desktop with a dead disk.  An old hard drive I had in my drawer
> brought the machine back to life, but (fortunately) I didn't have an
> available copy of Windoze to install - thank you Microsoft for making your
> installs only work with one computer!  K5TR and NA5TT each gave me three
> different shades of Linux to consider, and Ubuntu was common to both 
> lists,
> so that's what I chose.  There was some learning to do, and admittedly it
> helped that I had done some UNIX work in a former life.  I also learned 
> just
> enough about FreeDOS (thanks to all those guys and gals too!) to create a
> dual boot Ubuntu-FreeDOS environment on this old Dell.  TR runs fine under
> FreeDOS.  Since this machine does not have a floppy, I gave up a small
> amount of memory to install CDROM drivers, but even with that I have 615K
> for TR.  I still do my email on my Windoze XP box, but Ubuntu (actually 
> the
> Samba package) networks easily, so I can boot the contest computer to
> Ubuntu, transfer contest files, then reboot back to FreeDOS and TR.  Plus 
> I
> had the fun of learning about Ubuntu/Linux and FreeDOS.
> 73, John
> Largest executable program size       615K (629,920 bytes)
> Largest free upper memory block         0K (      0 bytes)
> FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.
> config.sys::
> FILES=40
> STACKS=9,256
> lastdrive=H
> autoexec.bat::
> echo off
> prompt=$p$g
> path=C:\;c:\tr
> loadhigh c:\shcdx33a.com /D:CDR1
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