[Trlog] Winter Field day

Joe and Alane Ferrara ferrara at srt.com
Wed Dec 20 16:35:33 EST 2006

Hello Folks.


Our local club thought to play in SPAR's "Winter Field Day."  The exchange
is a little strange. 




First, they want a "real" RST.  That's not real strange.  


Next they want a category field.  This puppy is a two character field. It
could have either two letters or one letter and a number.  The letter
indicates one of three locations.  H = Home, I = Indoor, O = Outdoor.  The
second character is either the letter M = Multi-op, 1 =single operator, or 2
= two operators.   So, if our club worked from the club station and 20 folks
participated we'd be in the IM category (indoor, multi).  If we set up in an
igloo on a frozen lake and only two of us intended to show up, we'd be in
the 02 (outdoor 2 op) category.  Anyway, this field needs to record H, I, or
O in position 1 AND either M, 1, or 2 in position two.


They also want a four character field that will contain the local
temperature in either Centigrade or Fahrenheit. A typical January exchange
from North Dakota would have a "-", a number 27, and a letter F (e.g. -27F).
Someone from a warmer place might send +02F.   


The multiplier system is a bit different too.  They want the log to show
band and mode.  Band is normal but mode is expanded to have these values: CW
= CW, PH = Phone, RY = RTTY & PSK, TV = SSTV, SA = Satellite.


Here's what's interesting.  Scoring involves a multiplier and a QSO count.
The multiplier is calculated by counting 1 multiplier for each mode operated
per band.  If I worked one station on 20 CW, my multiplier = 1, my station
count = 1 and my score = 1.  When I work a second station, on 20 PH my
multiplier becomes 2, my station count = 2, and my score = 4.  When I work
my third station on 20 RTTY my multiplier goes to 3, my station count is 3,
and my score is 9.  Then I switch bands to 40 meters and work one CW
station.  My multiplier goes to 4, my station count is 4 and my score is 16.


Although the rules are not really clear, I'm guessing that I could work
another station many times, but only once per/band/per/mode. I'll find out
for sure ASAP.


Finally, they want logs submitted in a Cabrillo format using the first two
characters on the six character exchange field and the remaining characters
(no spaces) for the temp (e.g.  H1-06F). The other difference is, of course,
their expanded mode menu.


It looks like the lunatic fringe of our club intends to drag me outside to
participate in this exercise in January in North Dakota..Yikes!  


Has anyone any thoughts on the modification of TR to accommodate these crazy
people.  (I really don't want to make them angry, if you know what I mean.)


Joe, N7IV


Minot, ND








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