[Trlog] File Recovery

PaulKB8N@aol.com PaulKB8N at aol.com
Tue Feb 21 08:26:41 EST 2006

We were getting ready to leave Germany in May of 1993.  I wanted to  work one 
more major contest before returning to the states, so I put a major  effort 
into WPX CW.  I did very well, as I recall, probably one of the top  two or 
three scores in Europe in the LP category.
Through a series of colossal screwups at the end of the contest I somehow  
managed to delete major portions of my log.dat file.  This was compounded  by my 
daughter attempting to retrieve some of her homework from the computer  while 
I was in the log checking process.  When I attempted to retrieve the  file 
from my backup floppy, it failed.  I was SOL!  I might have made  a more serious 
effort to retrieve the data, but we had to pack up and move out  of our house.
I was going through a bunch of my old contest files recently, and  discovered 
that individual band files had been created for that contest in my  ARRL DX 
directory!  How they got there, I don't know.  I was able to  append them all 
into a new log.dat file.
Here are some questions:
My appended file is still by band.  How can I merge those QSOs so the  QSO 
numbers are what they were in the original log.dat file?
How can I run this log.dat to obtain my final score?  I know the  scoring has 
changed since '93.
Is there an online archive of final scores anywhere that I could check  to 
see where I might have placed in the contest.
Thanks!  Paul, K5AF, DA1AM

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