[Trlog] File Recovery

David Hachadorian k6ll at adelphia.net
Tue Feb 21 11:48:09 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <PaulKB8N at aol.com>
To: <TRLog at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:26 PM
Subject: [Trlog] File Recovery
> My appended file is still by band.  How can I merge those
> QSOs so the  QSO
> numbers are what they were in the original log.dat file?

Import into a spreadsheet, and then do a sort on qso # or
time/date? If you send me the files, I can take a look at
doing this for you.

> How can I run this log.dat to obtain my final score?  I
> know the  scoring has
> changed since '93.

Don't the log files contain point/mult data? The spreadsheet 
can add these up too.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ 

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