[Trlog] New TR684.ZIP

VE5ZX ve5zx at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 2 16:56:09 EST 2006

Hi Kirk

> What kind of Icom radio are you using, and at what baud rate?
> The latest versions of TR-Log past 6.79 will not work below
> 4800 baud with Icom transceivers.  If you can set the radio
> for 4800 baud, you'll be glad you did. The response is faster.

I have a pair of CI-V. I spent hour trying to get the DBS-2 to talk to my 
736 and 746 Pro. I could see the digital stream from the Icom at the right 
point on the PIC in the DBS but the PIC won't produce any output. After 
discussion with Array Solution I found that original developer/producer was 
SK and no schematics or support material other than the manual was 
available. So I changed my strategy from having the DBS-2 talking directly 
to the Icom I decided to take the band output from TR. Not an ideal solution 
but a solution never the less. TR 679 works perfectly fine with this setup. 
TR684 does not work. It does talk to the Icoms okay but the band output will 
not follow the rigs and hence I loss control of my antennas and BP. A bad 
setting? A bug?  Not sure. I can always run 679 - it worked fine in the CQWW 

CU in SS


Sylvan Katz - VE5ZX
Saskatoon, SK 

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