[Trlog] Sprint CQ using f7/f8

Mike Wetzel mjwetzel at comcast.net
Fri Feb 9 11:41:52 EST 2007

I used 6.85 and saw no problems using F7 to call CQ.

Mike W9RE

-----Original Message-----
From: trlog-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:trlog-bounces at contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Tree
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 11:27 AM
To: Dale Martin
Cc: trlog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Trlog] Sprint CQ using f7/f8

On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 09:22:28AM -0600, Dale Martin wrote:

> I read up on Tree's paper on using F7/F8 in Sprint.
> I created a sprint cfg in Trlog 6.85.
> When CQ'ing on radio1 using F1 and entering a call<enter> as if a station
> answered my cq on radio2, the station's call and my exchange are appended
> the end of the cq on radio1.  It doesn't automatically switch to radio2 to
> answer the caller there: neither the trlog screen display of the active
> radio nor actual radio switching takes place.

This doesn't make sense to me.  You would not be CQing on radio 1 using F1
if you had previously called a CQ on radio 2 - using F7/F8.  Please describe
the operating scenario that made you do this.

> When CQ'ing using F7/F8 to CQ on radio2 (inactive radio) and entering a
> while the CQ is happening, the first letter of the call stops the CQ and
> radio2 switches to become the active radio.

This is because you have TWO RADIO MODE on I believe.

> This is the second sprint setup in trlog I have tried; the first was in
> and that worked differently, but didn't work as described in Tree's
> either.

There might be something wrong with 6.85 - which I would like to understand.

> The CQ's in F7/F8 of the CQ and EX modes are as Trlog set them up.  I
> haven't messed with them.
> Here's my most of my 07nascw1.cfg.  Can anyone see where I may have gone
> astray? I only added Possible call colors and the Relay Control Port
> assignment (otherwise, there was no radio keying switching). Turning
> Two Radio Mode and/or Skip Active Band made no difference.

Well, I think turning off TWO RADIO MODE is a good first step.  This should
not be turned on for the sprint.

Perhaps a hint is that you really can only be CQing on one band at a time.
You should do that with F7/F8 and S&P on your active band.  You either find
someone to call on the active band (pressing SPACE BAR to call him), or
someone answers your F7/F8 cq on the inactive band.  You should not be a
position to enter a callsign while a CQ is happening.

The program is used in a totally different way in the sprint - almost upside
down and backwards from how it gets used in the SS.

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