Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 21:08:02 EST 2007


A few questions...

- How did you find out that 2E0 was the right address to put in VSEMUIO.CFG ?
- Why is  SERIAL 5 PORT ADDRESS = 02E8, instead of 2E0 ?

Steve, N2IC

WG0M at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/12/07 5:53:28 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
> ac0w at charter.net writes:
> Mike,
> See no one responded via the reflector. Did you get the  help you need or do
> you still need some help.
> If you have the  commands all figured out how to start up the program from
> the command  prompt, then adding it to the autoexec file is  easy.
> Bill
> AC0W
> Bill:
> Got it working, finally thanks to Dan, KD4D.  He spent the  weekend working 
> with me until we had success.  He suggested I  summarize and publish what I had 
> to do so others can benefit.   I  shall.
> History:
> My system is W98SE
> I am doing SO2R and decided to run RTTY using MMTTY.  However, I  needed two 
> more Com ports.  To solve this issue, I purchased  aByterunner 410 H 4 
> serial/1lpt card.
> Problem: In DOS and running TR,  I could not establish rig 2  /computer com
> munication like I had with the card I removed.  So, I asked  for help.
> Dan came to my rescue and spent the better part of this weekend helping  me.
> The below instructions are for the Byterunner 410 H 4 serial/1lpt  card.  The 
> card comes with a disc that contains drivers (including DOS),  VSEMUIO setup 
> instructions and VSSHOW program that will display port  addressing.
> The first step is to create a file named VSEMUIO and saved it on the C  drive:
> I saved the VESMUIO.EXE (from the supplied cd and VSEMUIO.CFG  file (see 
> below)
> The second step is to set up a cfg file using Notepad.  Here is  mine:
> S,A800,02E0,14,8,5  
> Save it as VSEMUIO.cfg  in the VSEMUIO folder described above.   The string 
> instructions are detailed in the VSEMUIO Readme file.
> The below instructions are what I did to configure COMM 5 to work in DOS 
> Third, in TR Two radio config file (some may call it logcfg.dat),  I  changed 
> my rig 2 config line to read
> Reboot into DOS.  I hit the F8 key on boot to get me to  the command prompt.  
> During the boot, you should see the string
> This means the VSEMUIO program is running.  At the C prompt start TR  the way 
> you normally do and enjoy.  
> I am back to SO2R
> So why did I do this?  RTTY.........first card only gave me a total of  6 com 
> ports.  
> Com 1  Packet
> Com 2 Rig 1
> Com 3 Keyboad
> Com 4 mouse
> Com 5 Rig 2
> Com 6 Rotor
> Com 7 Rtty rig 1
> Com 8 Rtty rig 2
> Dan gave me permission to publish his email address; _kd4d at comcast.net_ 
> (mailto:kd4d at comcast.net) 
> I am  truly grateful for all the help Dan provided
> Michael  WG0M
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