[Trlog] Contests with Time Periods - How to manage?

Jan-Eric Rehn (SM3CER - 7S3A - SA3R - SF3A) jan-eric.rehn at telia.com
Mon Apr 14 06:54:44 EDT 2008

Hello Ville,

SSA Månadstest (MT), a Swedish domestic contest, is not a contest with two 
periods. The CW part and the SSB part are two separate contests. Each 
contest should be loaded separately and each one starts with serial number 
01 and each one goes on two bands, 40 and 80 m.

The only Swedish domestic contest with two time periods is the SSA Jultest 
(X-mas contest), which is going two separate days on 40 and 80 m (X-mas day 
and the day after). That's no problem in TR, as you can clear the dupesheet 
after the first day.

73 de Jan, SM3CER

Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER - Vanity calls: 7S3A - SA3R - SF3A
SSA Contest Manager - SWEDEN
E-mail: sm3cer at contesting.com - sm3cer at ssa.se
Skype: janericrehn
SM3CER Contest Service: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/
SK3BG Web Site: http://www.sk3bg.se/
Also QRV in MS or MM from: SI9AM - SK3IK - SK3W - SL3ZV
K6U at WRTC-96 / Referee at WRTC-2000, 2002 and 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ville Hiilesmaa" <oh2mm at nettilinja.fi>
To: <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 11:12 AM
Subject: [Trlog] Contests with Time Periods - How to manage?

> Many contests have time periods, during which QSOs can be repeated with 
> stations already worked in the previous period(s).
> Several OH-contests, ES-Open Contest, and SM-manadtest are split in 
> periods, just to mention a few.
> Typically, stations can be worked once each hour.
> The period changes usually at an even hour, however, the 2nd period of the 
> SM-test is from 1515 to 1615
> What can you currently do?
> 1.  Work all dupes with 0 points. Edit later the points column with a text 
> editor.
> 2.  When the contest is on 40 and 80 only, then switch to upper bands for 
> the next period. Then edit band info.
> 3.  Restart TR for each period with a different log name. Then merge 
> partial logs.
> Is there any smarter way to do do this in TR?
> If not, a couple of new commands to the LOGCFG.DAT would help,
> for example:
> CONTEST PERIODS = 2    (default=1)
> PERIOD 1 =  1400 TO 1500
> PERIOD 2 =  1515 TO 1615
> The multipliers are typically counted only once, so no need to change 
> this.
> To my knowledge, splitting into time periods is not available in other 
> programs.
> A World-renown pioneer in contesting, TR could be the #1 to implement this 
> feature.
> Ville OH2MM
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