[Trlog] Names database

Scott Neader KA9FOX scott at ka9fox.qth.com
Sun Feb 10 09:22:27 PST 2008

OK, I know I should RTFM before asking questions, but maybe someone 
can push me in the right direction and save me a bunch of time here.

When I type in a call I want the Name and QTH to appear, from my last 
log, as a reference point.  OK, it does... but it's really old data 
because I haven't updated it in years.  After last night's Sprint, I 
realized that it's really cruddy and I need to fix it up.

I just want to feed it my previous few Sprint logs to help fix some 
of the bad data.

Can someone point me in the right direction?  I tried going into 
Post > Utilties > Edit TRMASTER.ASC > Add data from various types of 
files >  Load calls and data from a log.dat... but even after doing 
this for 2 recent logs, specifying the start point for the Name and 
QTH, it didn't change the data.

I'm probably confusing the names database with the super check 
partial callsign thing.


- fox

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