[Trlog] Reversing the dot and dash contacts for the paddle input

Mirko S57AD miroslav.sibilja at amis.net
Sun Feb 8 15:04:38 EST 2009

SWAP PADDLES in Ctrl-J menu

73  Mirko, S57AD

Scott L. pravi:
> Would it be possible to add a "Keying Paddle Reverse Dot and Dash" command?
> I can not find such a command in the current manual.  I don't like having to
> turn my paddle upside down to use it!
> I was able to avoid having to re-wire my keyer paddle for the CW Sprint
> yesterday by using the equivalent command on the Icom Pro 3 I was using, but
> it would be great if this command was built into TR-Log.
>    Scott W6CT
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