[Trlog] Problem with "slowness" in the CQ160 Contest

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Sun Jan 25 11:45:39 EST 2009

> I had an unusual problem with the CQ160 contest with TR 6.92. 
> It was extremely slow. Granted, I run it on a prehistoric 
> 486DX at 66 MHz, but that's what I run all the TR programs 
> on, so the slowness is unique to this contest. It took almost 
> two seconds to "process" the QSO. It was not a problem when I 
> started as I was S&Ping and the wait didn't hold anything 
> up.But later, I started CQing, and the wait was so long that 
> I was delayed going back to the callers since the wait time 
> to "digest" the last QSO was almost two seconds. I could not 
> continue. Is there anything unique about this contest (such 
> as sorting through a large number of potential multipliers or 
> whatever)??
> This is the first time I have run into this in many years of using TR.

Hey, Jim, how about running your PC on 220 volts along with your linear?!

Seriously, I didn't do the CQ 160 this weekend, but I've encountered what
you describe in other contests using the latest releases this past year.  I
don't recall the details because it didn't cause me to operate different,
like CQing for example, so I just pushed through it.

Ed - W0YK

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