[Trlog] Run radio caller after 2R QSO

Robert Brandon rb at austin.rr.com
Mon Jun 1 06:29:20 PDT 2009

Every so often, I get scrambled when I'm finishing a second radio QSO and
I'm trying to enter a call for someone calling on my run frequency.  The 2R
QSO completes fine, and the callsign for the run radio is entered correctly.
The trouble is that the active radio doesn't shift back to the run radio.

I paid attention to this during WPX, and it seemed that if I don't rush
things, it works fine.  It seems that I get into trouble when I hit enter to
finish the 2R QSO, then type the new call and hit Enter maybe before the 2R
message is complete.  (I'm not sure, though, because the sidetone is off.)
It seemed that if I just let Auto Send take care of it, it works fine.

Is that the way to handle it?  If I don't have Auto Send enabled, is there a
cue I should watch for to know that it's okay to hit Enter?  

Robert K5PI

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