[Trlog] burned by DST...

Tree tree at kkn.net
Tue Mar 10 08:31:14 PDT 2009

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 02:25:38AM -0400, Ron Rossi wrote:

> Raise your hand if you got burned by the DST change early Sunday 
> morning! I swore I had my computer set to ignore DST, BUT I had a auto 
> time synch program running which "fixed" my time. I did not notice this 
> until a person mentioned my 1 hr off QSO on eQSL. ARRGgggghh. Now will 
> have another couple hundred QSOs on Logbook of the World which are wrong 
> (and unfixable). I still have to exactly where in the log things goofed. 
> I went to bed before the 2AM switchover that night.
> I know I know...set your logging computer to UTC.

You can resubmit your LOTW QSOs with the correct time - no harm done.

The window for matching is 30 minutes.


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