[Trlog] Ports puzzle

Dan Violette danki6x at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 13 18:38:24 PST 2011

Interrupt problem?  Forget how to do it, but check to see if one of the
serial cards replaced the second parallel port interrupt assuming you have
one already in the PC.  When you added the other parallel it could replace a
serial card (but would not think both).  Modems, etc. also use interrupts.
Dan KI6X

-----Original Message-----
From: trlog-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:trlog-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Robert Brandon
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:14 PM
To: 'TR Log Reflector'
Subject: [Trlog] Ports puzzle

I've got a machine running Window 98.  I added a couple of PCI serial ports
with a Lava card some time ago, and they work great with the SETCOMM

Now I've just added a parallel port card, also PCI.  Windows 98 (GUI) now
sees everything.  I can shell out to a command prompt and TR PORTS sees the
new LPT port.  

But adding that parallel port has somehow broken the Lava card serial ports.
It's broken even if I boot to command prompt only and thereby don't load the
new parallel port driver.

Any theories or clever workaround ideas?

Robert K5PI

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