[Trlog] Seeking Band map help

Michael Gulbranson wg0m at aol.com
Thu Nov 8 07:24:31 EST 2012

Hi All:

I remain a TR diehard user especially with CW

I am running 6.96 and am continue to experience issues with band map.  Here
is what happens.


The band map works just fine until I want to select a call in the band map.
When I hit Cntl-End, the band map disappears EXCEPT for the call the cursor
is on.  I can arrow up/down/right/left yet only the call the cursor is on is


I hit ESC and all the calls in the band map show up again. 


The above makes it extremely difficult to chase mults using Alt-D.  I can do
it, but it is a struggle.


I recall the last version where the band map feature worked properly was


Any ideas?




Mike WG0M



         "It's better to be a pleasant surprise than a bitter


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