[Trlog] TRlog / DOS 7.1 / 500Mhz processor / 1 gig memory problem

Paul Erickson va7nt at telus.net
Tue May 28 15:49:04 EDT 2013

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply. As I understand it, DOS 7.1 is supposed to handle 
large drives,
but in any event, the DOS partition on the disk is 2 gig in size and at 
the very beginning
of the disk. As far as I can tell, the DOS environment is working as it 
should, the issue
seems to be tailoring it so that TRlog runs happily within it.

Just to give a fuller sense of the situation. The remainder of the disk 
is setup to run
Puppy Linux (actually MacPup 5.28). The intent was to create a machine where
TRlog would run happily, but where I would have the facilities for 
moving data to
and from the partition and communicate with USB devices with Puppy 
Linux. It
seems to me to be a way of getting the best of both worlds. I was 
surprised to find
that I could get VE7CC's program to run under Puppy linux using wine, 
but don't
really intend to do that on this machine.

Anyway, thanks for the time and attention. I will look into JemmEx.

cheers, Paul - VA7NT

On 05/28/2013 12:22 PM, kd4d at comcast.net wrote:
> Hi Paul:
> I would remove some of the stuff from the config.sys file.  When I get home, I'll try to send you a shorter example.  Also, I've found that on many new computers, emm386 will map memory that causes various problems.  The solution for me has been "jemm386" from the FreeDOS project.
> I actually usually use the JemmEx program that replaces both himem.sys and emm386.
> See http://www.japheth.de/Jemm.html.
> I have also had problems with DOS versions before Windows98SE ("7.1") failing on large disk drives - particularly if the MS DOS partition is at the end of the drive.  However, it looks like you have done that.
> Let me know if jemmex works.
> 73,
> Mark, KD4D
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Erickson" <va7nt at telus.net>
> To: trlog at contesting.com
> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:42:36 PM
> Subject: [Trlog] TRlog / DOS 7.1 / 500Mhz processor / 1 gig memory problem
> I am in the process of building a new computer for the shack from some
> unused pieces I had. The board is a P2B-F with 500MHz processor and
> 1 gig of memory. I installed DOS 7.1 on one partition, but when
> I try to execute the "install.exe" program I get the Runtime error 200
> and when I try to execute TR itself, the computer hangs.
> I do not have access to my current shack computer due to the distance
> between my residence and shack but I believe it is also running a
> 500MHz processor, but the OS is Windows 98 run in command mode, and
> the memory is about 500Meg.
> Has anyone else tried to run TR under DOS 7.1 in a machine with
> 1 gig memory? Have you encountered the same issues, and if so
> how were you able to resolve them?
> The following is the contents of the DOS 7.1 config.sys file. My
> DOS skills are a bit rusty, but I don't recognize anything there
> that could be the problem. Is there something I am missing?
> config.sys file contents:
> DEVICE=C:\DOS71\ECHO.SYS W/e/l/c/o/m/e /t/o MS-DOS 7.10...
> DEVICE=C:\DOS71\ECHO.SYS C/o/p/y/r/i/g/h/t M/i/c/r/o/s/o/f/t C/o/r/p.
> A/l/l /r/i/g/h/t/s /r/e/s/e/r/v/e/d.
> FCBS=4,0
> FILES=30
> BUFFERS=20,0
> STACKS=9,256
> SET PATH=C:\DOS71;..;
> I realize that the path command is not what it needs to be for a
> functioning TRlog system, but the TRlog hangup occurred while
> I was executing the file from within it's resident directory.
> Thanks in advance.
> cheers, Paul - VA7NT
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