[Trlog] trlinux 0.44 and upcoming ARRL10M 2015

Carlin Royal n5oe at nctwb.net
Tue Dec 8 20:05:40 EST 2015

Hello trlog list. I am an old user of trlog (Dos v5-95) from back in the 
day. Have been using Linux now for about that same time frame but just 
recently bailed from all MS products here in the shack. I happened to 
run across the TRlinux port a few months ago and finally have gotten 
everything up and running great! Thanks to W9CF and his work here. 
Anyway, I just dipped into the TRlinux contesting usage this past 
weekend during the ARRL160, and loved the ease of performance, usage and 
simplicity all over again with this software.

My question to the list here is, with having the latest 0.44 release 
downloaded-installed-functioning, an up-to-date MASTER.DTA, and a good 
.CFG file I think configured,,, am I good to go for the ARRL 10m for the 
Mults/Scoring and such? I mean since I last really used the software, 
there were not all the VE (ONN, ONS, GTA, etc) and XE (GTO, AGS, CHH, 
etc) to deal with back then.

Any thing special I need to do POST wise except export to Cabrillo? Is 
it V3 when I do? Thanks for any and all comments and advise.

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