[Trlog] Is there anybody out there?

William Liporace wc2l at wc2l.com
Wed May 9 13:24:14 EDT 2018

Still follow... Need to get my Linux box back active....
Will WC2L

On 5/9/2018 1:18 PM, Tree wrote:
> Hi Gang...
> Remember me?
> Thought I would send out a note and share some news.
> I have now operated two contests with the linux version of TR Log.  Again -
> big thanks to Kevin, W9CF for porting this over and actually making it
> work.  He also documented it well enough that others can make it work.
> If you worked K7RAT in the 7QP this past weekend, that was a multi-multi
> with Pat, N9RV and myself operating from my new QTH in Manning, Oregon.  We
> were running 100 watts - WRTC style.  We will be using TR Log / Linux in
> Germany during our WRTC operation.
> We have some things we want to add to the program for that effort.  This is
> motivating me to FINALLY create an environment where I can compile the
> source code Kevin has and put a stake in the ground on other possible
> improvements.
> So - for the three of four of you who are using the TR Linux version - you
> might find some new features being added at some point - as I hopefully
> adopt this program for my own personal use (will I really ever be able to
> pull the plug on my old DOS machine?).
> 73 Tree N6TR
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William Liporace WC2L
http://www.wc2l.com or http://dxc.wc2l.com
AR-Cluster Node  telnet dxc.wc2l.com or 144.93 MHz
wc2l at wc2l.com

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