[Trlog] MiQP

Tree tree at kkn.net
Sat Apr 16 12:28:52 EDT 2022

Thanks for the info Tor.

That link you included seems broken - but found Teensy here - Teensy USB
Development Board (pjrc.com) <https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/>

Will see if I can make the NN1C board work - but if not - this looks


On Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 9:15 AM RT Clay <rt_clay at bellsouth.net> wrote:

> The last time I checked, the SO2R Mini device does not support Linux. It
> requires a Windows program to operate. The issue is that logging programs
> expect two different serial devices- one for Winkey, and one for OTRSP
> (so2r switching). The Arduino used by the Mini only has one USB port. The
> Windows software takes data to/from the Mini and creates the two different
> devices.
> A better way would have been to use a Teensy (see http://www.pjrc.com)
> instead of an Arduino. <http://www.pjrc.com).> The Teensy is an
> Arduino-like board, but also has the capability to create multiple USB
> devices without software on the computer. But the pinout is different, so
> the SO2R Mini board would have to be redesigned to use it. Maybe an
> "adapter" board could be designed, but at minimum the back panel USB cutout
> would then be in the wrong place.
> Or you could write code for linux specifically for controlling the mini.
> Tor N4OGW
> On Saturday, April 16, 2022, 11:04:14 AM EDT, Tree <tree at kkn.net> wrote:
> Life on the TR LOG reflector!
> Thanks for the post Greg - sorry trlog is broken for the QSO party.
> I have been tempted to make some kind of announcement about some things -
> but have resisted until there is more to really report.
> However, a big day occurred this week here at N6TR/K7RAT.  The Win98SE box
> that I have been using with my old SO2R box (using the parallel port) has
> been retired from service.
> This is really pulling the plug on any support of the DOS version - which
> probably isn't a big surprise to anyone.
> However, what this does mean, is that I will be much more focused on the
> linux version of the program than I have before.
> I am currently "going to school" and getting familiar with the Kevin's
> changes to the source code in areas that I had never looked before
> (currently trying to understand how the CW messaging stuff gets converted
> into USB messages that go to the WinKey or other such device).
> George is sending me one of the NN1C SO2R boards.  This looks like a
> possible solution to replace my SO2R box and provide the USB to CW
> function.  I was going to build my own using an arduino, but perhaps I
> don't have to reinvent the wheel.  Since the source code is open sourced (I
> believe), if I find some features that I really want, it should be possible
> to add them to this box.  More info here - SO2R Mini: SO2R Box In Your Palm
> – NN1C — Blog, Products, and Productions <https://nn1c.org/so2r/>.
> By retiring the DOS machine this far in advance of the next contest season,
> I hope to have plenty of time to get some momentum here and resist the
> temptation to reconnect the DOS machine for the next serious contest
> (likely the CW Sprint in September).  After all - the first contest
> operated by TR Log (the All Asian CW contest in August 1989) was done after
> five days of development!!
> Once I get the basics all working - I hope to focus on updating the list of
> contests that the program supports - and updating those who have changed
> the rules.  This will likely take a year - as I will use the contest
> calendar as a driving force.  I'll probably look at month or two ahead.
> Although, I will also take input from those of you who are actually wanting
> to use the program and need an update.
> I want to again thank Kevin (W9CF) for taking on the task of converting the
> DOS version to linux.  This was a great service and the only compensation
> he has received is the thanks of the people using the program.  Hopefully,
> as we take what he has done and update it some, we will have more people
> appreciating his efforts.
> For the one or three of you still using DOS - I really would suggest you
> look at updating to linux sometime soon.  I even got N6TJ to switch to the
> linux version by selling him the laptop that I used at WRTC-2018 with
> trlinux all setup.  Then you will be all set to take advantage of the
> future work that I hope to do.  You also won't have to worry about running
> out of memory again.  That old Windows laptop gathering dust on the shelf
> is an excellent candidate to put linux on and use for your station.
> 73 Tree N6TR
> On Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 7:40 AM hg chapoton <hgchapoton at gmail.com> wrote:
> > the Michigan QSO party is today.  The exchange has changed to "RST QTH"
> > from the previous "Sn QTH".  This breaks Tr/TrLinux.
> >
> > A solution is to add to the config file the line:
> >
> > For example:
> > MY CALL = NA8V
> >
> > The cabrillo generated is not quite correct.  There are solutions:
> > - manually edit via search and replace
> > - heavier modification of the config file.  In situations like this, I
> > generally use a separate config file after the contest to make the
> .cbr.  I
> > haven't done one yet but can share with anyone who needs it after the
> > contest.
> >
> > Remember, the log deadline has been shortened to 7 days.
> >
> > greg/na8v
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