[Trlog] Winkeyer support in 0.53

Martin Kratoska martin at ok1rr.com
Sat Aug 20 14:15:43 EDT 2022

The Winkeyer support in 0.53 is still defective. Testing on WK 3.1 built 
into microHAM DXP. Comparisons made with CQRlog which does all perfectly 
without any unwanted side effects. fpc sources are here:

1. When trying to play 
message is truncated. It plays ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU only. A 
communication problem?

2. Sidetone is ON by default (yes, my configuration was carefully 
checked). Who needs it? The keyer should be silent, the sidetone should 
be heard only if it is turned on by the appropriate command or in the 
program configuration.

3. PTT is activated by default. PTT ENABLE = FALSE has no effect.

4. The keyer is not correctly deinitialized. It will remain in the state 
that the TR log set it to during initialization (PTT ON, SIDETONE ON).

The perfectly functioning WK support in CQRlog can be an example of how 
it can be... I am so sorry...

Martin, OK1RR

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