[Trlog] TRlinux on WSL?

Brett Graham vr2bg at gmx.com
Tue Jul 16 20:14:59 EDT 2024

N6TR replied to VR2BG's question about running TRlinux on W10 WSL:

> Interesting question from an even more interesting person!

Roger the former - dunno about the latter though, mate...

> Until you posted this - I had no idea what WSL was. Perhaps I will
> give this a try at some point.
> However, I am really not aware of any reason why it won't work. 
> Unlike the TR Dos version, TR Linux is not accessing the hardware
> components and does everything through the Linux operating system
> (unless there is something lurking that I haven't found that W9CF
> knows about).  Therefore, assuming the implementation of WSL is really
> Linux (and I would think it is) - there shouldn't be a problem.
> You might have to recompile the program under WSL as the binary we
> distribute might have some compatibility issues.

Previously, I had looked for the compiled versions said to exist on
Github in order have a go with POST on one of my clunker Linux machines
I SWL with here, so that I could update my TRMASTER file from recent
logs now that I can do a bit of operating remote with TR4W.  But there's
only source code for recent releases.

When I found out about WSL, I figured maybe I could not only have an
updated TRMASTER file, but also a working bandmap (TR4W's is broken) &
shift keys (an unfortunate ergonomic mutation of TR4W to make it like
N1MM) - and also run everything necessary for remote that requires
Windows.  That would be skookum!

> Reading the fine print - I see there are two versions of WSL
> availalbe, and only the first version can be used with Win10.  The
> second version sounds like it has a better chance of working without
> recompiling.

Sadly, the new daily driver machine here isn't gonna do W11.

> One problem I have no idea how it is resolved has to do with using \
> or / with filenames.

That's recently become an issue in the world of FT*, so will have to
follow the chatter about that.

I know just enough about Linux to realise I'm dangerous.  This should be

73, VR2BG.

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