Steve Knell stevek at camelcom.com
Sun Aug 4 10:11:25 EDT 2002

970 valid Qs - 4 heavy bags on the ferry enabled me to get a TH3 @ 30ft +
dipoles.  Found it hard to get the required volume of contacts with 100W and
average antennas.  The station was located 150 yards from the sea on the NW
of St Marys - had some pretty impressive signals from US and EI islands!

These islands are stunning - worth a visit.

Callsign     : M0C
Claimed Score: 1076226

SDI      V9.84 - http://www.ei5di.com

IOTA Ref.    : EU011
Island Name  : Isles Of Scilly

Enter Island name and/or station location.  Give exact coordinates
if the island is not listed by name in the 2000 IOTA Directory

Section - Select 1
  IOTA Island 100w

Period - Select 1
  24 hour :

Mode - Select 1
  CW      :

Category - Select 1
  Single-Op :

Note:  Multi-Op MUST be 24 hour mixed mode.

     BAND             80m     40m     20m     15m     10m     Total

     Valid QSOs CW    101     208     383     195      83       970

     QSO Points       927    1476    1905    1077     561      5946

     Multipliers CW    28      36      51      39      25       179
     Bonus Mults CW     1       1       0       0       0         2

     Total Mults       29      37      51      39      25       181

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