Paul O'Kane paul at ei5di.com
Tue Aug 27 16:21:26 EDT 2002

Here's the results for British Isles entrants in the CW section of
SAC 2001 - received via Marc ON7SS.

SOHP - 35 EU logs.

Posn             Points   QSOs   Mults
 13   GW3NJW      36855    315    117
 16   GM4SID      32096    272    118
 18   G3XTT       25149    249    101
 20   EI8IC       22542    221    102
 23   G4RCG       16235    191     85
 28   G3UFY       10773    133     81

SOLP - 174 EU logs.

Posn             Points   QSOs   Mults
 13   EI5DI       34385    299    115
 14   G0MTN       34239    303    113
 24   G3TJE       28119    273    103
 27   G4OGB       26964    252    107
 28   G3YEC       26500    250    106
 96   G3KNU        9408    147     64
119   G3HZL        5050    101     50
122   G0MRH        4900     98     50
147   M0EEE/P      2196     61     36

Paul EI5DI

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