[UK-CONTEST] HF Contests.2003

Ivan Davies g3izd at davies.net1.co.uk
Tue Dec 3 17:37:35 EST 2002

The note from Andy Summers adding that the LF cums were included in the 2003 calendar filled me with joy, I even went outand bought a wall calendar upon which to plot them .Alas, perusing the 2003 calendar quickly burst that bubble. I am appalled that out of 19 cw contests no less than 10 are at 12wpm, in order, we are told , to encourage the newer licencees.    The last results table demonstrated the failure of this attempt in that the vast majority of entrants were G2, G3 and G4. ( I did provide the figures but cannot now find them)
        What is the next step, a tranche of contests at 5 wpm in order to encourage those who find 12 wpm too quick, and then perhaps a set of contests at "Morse assessment" speed.
        Some years ago, in a moment of disenchantment I  mentally reviewed the logic of my RSGB membership, and the over-riding argument in its favour was the availability of CW contests, for which at the time I was a beginner -  perhaps I should re-consider.
        My confidence in the actions of the HF contests committee is questionable, noting the patent dumbing down of next years calendar.
        Yours, with jaundice  Ivan G3IZD

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