[UK-CONTEST] HF Contests.2003

Tim-M0BEW m0bew at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Dec 3 22:37:53 EST 2002

A few comments ref. the 2003 calendar.

Jubilee contest has bit the dust.

Slow speed culs remain.

What was so bad about the 'Jubilee' style contest that it had to be
scratched completely without even trying any revisions, and what's so good
about the slow speed culs that they had to stay.
This is joke right?
An all band all mode contest is dumped and an oddball 80m teatime contest
I can't get my head around this.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivan Davies" <g3izd at davies.net1.co.uk>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Cc: <hfcc.chairman at rsgb.org.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] HF Contests.2003

The note from Andy Summers adding that the LF cums were included in the 2003
calendar filled me with joy, I even went outand bought a wall calendar upon
which to plot them .Alas, perusing the 2003 calendar quickly burst that
bubble. I am appalled that out of 19 cw contests no less than 10 are at
12wpm, in order, we are told , to encourage the newer licencees.    The last
results table demonstrated the failure of this attempt in that the vast
majority of entrants were G2, G3 and G4. ( I did provide the figures but
cannot now find them)
        What is the next step, a tranche of contests at 5 wpm in order to
encourage those who find 12 wpm too quick, and then perhaps a set of
contests at "Morse assessment" speed.
        Some years ago, in a moment of disenchantment I  mentally reviewed
the logic of my RSGB membership, and the over-riding argument in its favour
was the availability of CW contests, for which at the time I was a
beginner -  perhaps I should re-consider.
        My confidence in the actions of the HF contests committee is
questionable, noting the patent dumbing down of next years calendar.
        Yours, with jaundice  Ivan G3IZD

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