[UK-CONTEST] 2003 Contest Calendar
Justin Snow G4TSH
hfcc.chairman at rsgb.org.uk
Wed Dec 4 19:22:15 EST 2002
Dear UK Contester,
It has been brought to my attention that there is some mis-information
being circulated out of RSGB Headquarters regarding the 2003 HF Contests
Calendar. The HFCC was not consulted before this information was released
and regrettably it contains several significant errors.
Please be informed that for the 2003 season there are no LF cumualtive
events in January.
For the latest information on the 2003 contests, and a full set of rules,
please point your web browsers to the official web site of the RSGB HF
Contests Committee at:
Justin Snow G4TSH
Chairman, RSGB HF Contests Committee
hfcc.chairman at rsgb.org.uk
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