[UK-CONTEST] Contest Calendar or Not

John Dunnington user at john-dunnington.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Dec 5 15:53:38 EST 2002

Chris G3SJJ wrote:
>LF Cumulatives, agreed there were many comments with entries and it
certainly points strongly to scrapping, but the mood has changed maybe with

I bet there were as many entries that had "No comments"..just reading this
reflector after most RSGB Contests gives the impression that the whole thing
is a waste of time..I assume that is why Dave comments on negative
postings..those who shout loudest are usually heard but they are not always
the true voice.

In my case, and several others, major decisions such as scrapping a contest
without it appears any reference to the views of the participants or indeed
other interested parties other than this "vocal minority" is not good
politics or management. This has created an impression (I hope wrongly) that
the HFCC sit in isolation to dictate policy based on individual views not
membership views. There are several routes to market for the HFCC this being
just one. It may take several months to obtain a response from the various
routes but you can then say "we did ask for comments" then take a decision
right or wrong but it would avoid the fear that it was done for the wrong

The above comments are not a dig at the HFCC but experience based on 40-odd
years in business environments when to be seen to be trying is often better
than making decisions for the wrong reasons but not obvious at the time.

I think this debate has run it's course with no gains on either side...let
us wait and see.

73 John

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