colin.r.smith at baesystems.com colin.r.smith at baesystems.com
Tue Feb 26 02:51:31 EST 2002

Hi There,

Just a thought!   Does anyone know if the Q may be used in special contest

e.g.  GM2T -> GQ2T

I can't see anything in the NoV conditions which dictates otherwise but I may
be missing something!   I think this would only effect the IARU 50MHz Contest

Any comments?

Colin GM0CLN

-> Just like 25 years ago when we used the letter E rather than Q Tim (that's
-> dates me!). G3XTT becomes GQ3XTT, M5ACC becomes MQ5ACC, 2E1XYZ becomes
-> 2Q1XYZ, GW3NJW becomes GQ3NJW, etc. After all, GB prefixes don't distinguish
-> between GW, GM, etc. either.
-> All this has actually been published somewhere, but blwoed if I can track it
-> down right now.
-> 73 Don G3XTT

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