John Innes john.innes at dsl.pipex.com
Tue Jul 30 10:43:01 EDT 2002

GM2T used NA in a network, it worked pretty well, we did have a couple
of problems getting out of sync, but usually only when we held a contact
for editing and overflowed the buffer, resyncing is a pain in the butt,
copying the qdf to the other machines and restarting.

We wouldn't be without the rig control, band switching, voice keyer
support and DX cluster now so we put up with the minor problems.

If only K8CC would implement CT's update of current QSO number, we could
just leave it and ignore the loss of sync. Better yet, store the serial
number with the QSO, then there would be no sync problem and the logs
could be merged at the end.

We would prefer NA had an option for using ethernet, then we could just
take laptops instead of half a van of computers.

PC problems, one monitor failed, one PC couldn't find the hard drive
until the bios was reset, when the mains started to fail due to the
damp, we had to reconfigure the network to bypass the damp end of the

Trouble getting NA to control a FT920 in the network (eventually turned
off the rig control).


Musselburgh, UK

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