[UK-CONTEST] Software/scoring for Jubilee contest

Chris Tran GM3WOJ gm3woj at talk21.com
Sun Jun 2 11:10:58 EDT 2002

Hello all

I've been playing with different software packages for
the Jubilee contest. Paul EI5DI's SDJ scores the contest
in the way I would expect i.e. 5 points for every QSO,
whether it's a Commonwealth call area or not, and 
Commonwealth call areas (excluding your own) count 
as mults.

However, the downloadable script for TR seems to
interpret the rules differently i.e. 5 pts/QSO for a
Commonwealth QSO, and zero points for a QSO with
any non-Commonwealth station.

I've re-read the rules on the HFCC site, and there does
not seem to be any real ambiguity - from the UK you can 
work any station for 5pts, but only Commonwealth call 
areas count as multipliers ?

Chris   GM3WOJ

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