[UK-CONTEST] NFD summary for G0RGH/P restricted section

Jonathan G0DVJ g0dvj at amsat.org
Sat Jun 8 16:57:33 EDT 2002

On Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at 06:42  pm, Paul Brice-Stevens wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just got back from a few days away post NFD expecting to see the UK 
> Contest Mailbox bursting with NFD scores...sadly no!...
Sorry it's taken me a week to get around to processing the entry 
files.    Here goes the summary of claimed score for our little group - .

Callsign      : G0RGH/P
Claimed Score : 2268

Contest    : CW HF National Field Day
Date(s)    : 1st/2nd June 2002
Operator   : Multi Op
Section    : Restricted

Group Name : Harwich Amateur Radio Interest Group (HARIG)

                 160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

     Valid QSOs:   72   75  178  121   51   38   535
    Total Points:  560  279  595  417  163  256  2268

TX/RX      : Yaesu FT100 Transceiver
Power o/p  : 100 watts
Antenna    : Double Size G5RV (208ft)
Operators  : G0DVJ, G4AQZ, G0SCP, G4FTP, M0CGE, G4EYE, G4WHK, G3ZQU

Comments   : Great weekend of fun - superb weather for a change!
Comments   : Had club BBQ on sat nite - extremely well supported.
Comments   : 81% members attended event!

In fact we are rather proud that so many of our members supported the 
event, either by helping set-up, operate or attending the social event, 
many with their partners.    Even the number of operators volunteering 
was excellent - who says CW is old hat!    Was first time we used this 
antenna - obviously a bit tricky on 20m but worked well as a 
compromise.  We may not have the highest score but I wonder how many 
other teams can beat the % turnout and support of our members!   We also 
posted our best ever restricted section claimed score.  Thanks  for the 
points everyone - hope to see you all again next year.

Jonathan.  G0DVJ

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