GW4BLE gw4ble at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 9 05:01:50 EDT 2002

Hello All,

Posting this *before* the end of the contest (!) - "you cannot
be serious, correct - I wasn't"; but decided to at least give it
some support, which is more than I can say for some people....

Immediate observations, from the limited number of hours that I
was QRV....

Add Japan to the Commonwealth - there were *loads* of them on
<must admit, I was tempted to take time out for the Asia-Pacific
Sprint which was also on for part of the time!>

How about extra points for working commonwealth (+ JA!) next
time  ;-)

I would guess that overall, the support from within the
commonwealth <at least on SSB>, was very low.

Oh, and it appears that the overall scoring for SDJ is wrong on
the  summary sheet - I had to edit mine.  If I *had* been
serious that would have been checked *prior* to the contest of

RSGB Jubilee Contest 2002 - Summary Sheet

Callsign      : GQ4BLE
Claimed Score : 138645

SDJ      V9.87 - http://www.ei5di.com

Mode          :   SSB
SO or MO      :   SO

                 80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

    Valid QSOs:    3   22  181  485   20   711
   Total Mults:    0    2   18   16    3    39
  Total Points:   15  110  905 2425  100  3555

TX/RX         :   FT1000MP / SB220
Power o/p     :   400W
Antennas      :   TH7 / 40-2CD / DIPOLE
Operators     :   GW4BLE

Comments      :
Comments      :
Comments      :

I declare that this station was operated strictly in
accordance with the rules and spirit of the contest,
and within the conditions of my licence.  My report
is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.  I
agree that the decision of the contest organisers
shall be final in all cases of dispute.  I agree to
the data from this entry being stored, analysed and
cross-checked by computer.

Signed        :  Steve Cole
Date          :  9th June 2002
Email         :  GW4BLE at btinternet.com
Telephone     :  01442 297738
Name          :  Steve Cole
Callsign      :  GW4BLE
Address 1     :  101 ALLT-YR-YN ROAD
        2     :  NEWPORT
        3     :  SOUTH WALES
        4     :


Contest Cambria - GW7X (http://www.gw7x.org)

01442 297738
07710 055612

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