Clive Whelan clive at gw3njw.fsworld.co.uk
Sun Jun 9 13:09:57 EDT 2002

Hi Ian

> 1. Do you use QSK routinely? If only sometimes, when would that be?

More a question of when I don't use it. i.e I don't use it on the run radio 
in SO2R operation, because the rx is muted ( and the mult radio rx enabled) 
when transmitting.

> 2. Does your transceiver (which type?) handle QSK well? Does the 
> transceiver's QSK affect the character weighting, and at what speed does 
> this start to become a problem?

Yes, a prerequisite. Over the years the Ten Tec Triton, TS930S, FT1000MP 
and currently a pair of TS870S. All are perfect QSK machines. Probably the 
TS870 is the best of all, because of its WYHIWYG monitor.

> 3. Do you use QSK through an external PA? If so, does the PA have any 
> additional effect on the character weighting (and at what speed)?

Yes, an Alpha 78, exerts no influence, again a prerequisite for an amp. 
Unfortunately the FL21000Z on the mult station is not QSK endowed. 
Conversion would be good.

> 4. How do you connect the PA to your transceiver? Any problems?

Yes potentially problematical. The keyer keys the amp, and the aux relay 
contact in the amp keys the transceiver, sounds barmy, but it's kosher. 
This is a fail safe way of avoiding hot switching of the amp's QSK relay, 
although all the above mentioned transceivers are probably fast enough in 
their own right.

> 5. Any facilities you would like your PA to have, to support QSK better?

Yes reliable PIN diode switching, which seems to be an oxymoron. Still no 
substitute for a fast relay in such an application. However in theory the 
life of a QSK relay could be used in two  48 hour contests!! They are still 

> 6. From the viewpoint of a CW DXer rather than a contester, would any of 
> your answers be different?

Yes the DXer needs QSK 100% of the time, he shouldn't get out of bed 
without it imo.



gw3njw at gw7x.org
Contest Cambria-http://www.gw7x.org

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